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"The purpose of Classical Education is to cultivate virtue and wisdom. The classical Christian does not ask, 'What can I do with this learning?' but 'What will this learning do to me?' The ultimate end of Classical Christian education is to enable the student (disciple) to better know, glorify, and enjoy God."
-Circe Institute


"Classical education is the authoritative, traditional and enduring form of education, begun by the Greeks and Romans, developed through history and now being renewed and recovered in the 21st century."

-Christopher A. Perrin, M.Div., Ph.D.


In classical education, teaching is aligned to human brain development in three overlapping stages:

  • Grammar (K-6) - Students learn the basic facts and fundamentals of subjects. In language, students learn grammar, syntax, structure and vocabulary. Methods of teaching include direct instruction, reading, discussion, singing, chanting, and repetition.

  • Logic (7-9) - Students expand their knowledge of facts and fundamentals to principles and relations. In all subjects, students practice reasoning and debate.

  • Rhetoric (10-12) - Students master effective and persuasive speaking and writing by studying and imitating great writing and speeches. Students will learn how to articulate their own arguments with thoughtfulness and humility.


Source: An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents by

Christopher A. Perrin, M.Div., Ph.D.


"Education is a completely religious endeavor.  It is impossible to impart knowledge to students without building on religious pre-suppositions." 

-Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning


As followers of Christ, we believe all learning must be filtered through a biblical worldview to ensure a right understanding of God and His creation.  Some examples of Christian education include:

  • Science - Humanity is not a random collection of cells that have evolved over time but a person wonderfully made in the image of God with infinite worth.  An understanding of the human body can be applied for the good of humanity and the glory of God.

  • Math - Math is evidence of God's created order and that an intelligent designer created the universe.  Therefore that order can be known and applied for the good of humanity and the glory of God.


Putting It All Together


Additional Resources

To learn more about classical Christian education, check out the resources below or contact us directly.

What is classical Christian education?

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